Cycling stuff.....some running too.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

6 Hour Mountain Bike Race

So I haven't been riding much at all, but I did a mountain bike race. I have ridden about 100 miles in the last month but Jeremy from work talked me into doing a team race with him. I borrowed my boss's MTB and rode the trails here in Lakeland last Sunday. It's been about 4 or 5 years since I'd been on a mountain bike butthe skills were still there, albeit a little rusty. Last Thursday I went with Jeremy and rode some of the trails the race would cover so I had a small idea of what it was going to be like.

The team consisted of myself, Jeremy, and Barbara. We'd planned on signing up in the co-ed division but because Barbara is so good they made us race in the advanced division. I had to keep telling myself that we were just out there for the fun of it but I raced as hard as I could anyway.

Barbara took the first lap in a respectable 50 minutes, about 6 minutes slower than her normal lap. I rode a 45 minute first lap and passed 11 people. Jeremy did 49 minutes . Barbara's second lap was about 49 minutes. I felt really good on my second lap and passed 21 people. I did right at 44 minutes but could have gone faster had I not been hung up on so much lap traffic.

It was Barbara's turn again after Jeremy got back from his 2nd lap but since she was doing a road race on Sunday my chivalry shone through and I took her 3rd so she could save her legs. I passed another 11 people.

We ended up 3rd with a respectable 7 laps. No other team did more than 7 but the other 2 teams ahead of us finished their 7 before us.

I was fun especially since I had my 2 younger daughters with me. We played Apples to Apples between my laps and they also got some good pictures.

I got my pick f some swag for a prize so I picked up this beauty for my wifely unit, Sharon. She said I should wear it. Ha ha.


Blogger lisa jane said...

I thought you were MIA or something,glad to see you back and glad to hear you are feeling better.Did you get to see the pumpkin photos?

We have the same iceream here,it is called cold rock here though.That shakes sounds revolting ;) Cake in a drink?yuckkkk! I like the novelty of the mix inx but I always go for choclate ones and find the icecream makes the chocolate mix in go a bit funny.

1:57 PM

Blogger sharon said...

Love the jersy honey
You're the BOMB!

5:18 PM


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