Cycling stuff.....some running too.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Theshold training

What is the best training for a 40k time trial? In my opinion, 4 minute intervals. You might be thinking I'm crazy but hear me out. A 40k is about an hour for most people. 50 minutes for some people and 110 minutes for others but basically an hour at just over your lactate/anerobic threshold. There are two types of workouts for that type of effort. Training just below your threshold can raise your threshold but only so much. So 20-30 minute intervals 2 or 3 times in a workout at 90-95% of you threshold. The other workout is 4 minute intervals above your threshold. 105-110% of threshold. Up to an hours worth of those. There are other workouts but those two are the core. An hour effort will/should be largely anerobic, therefor your workouts should contain anerobic efforts and lots of them.

So many triathletes I know just survive the bike with a halfway decent time. I think that in every distance except for the longest like Ironman distance you should go all out on the bike. If you do some bricks, your run won't suffer much or at all.

I did the group ride and won the sprint competition without winning a single sprint. I got 2nd in the first 2 sprints, 3rd in the the 3rd and 3rd in the final. A total of 10 points. Kevin won the first 2 and then sat out the rest with a total of 9 points. I ran Thursday night with Sharon and could feel it a little in my legs. It was the first run of the year for me. I have to get in shape for the 5k with the wife next Friday night. I'm gonna run with Sharon to cheer her on and so I don't have the pressure of trying to set a PR for myself. 1982 was my last 5k when I was on the highschool CC team. PR for 3 miles set in 1982 was 18:30. I can run 1 7 minute mile right now so I don't think a PR is in the cards. I ran a 20 minute 5k in a tri in 1984. That was the last tri I did. I'll probably end up racing a couple of tri's this year if I can keep running.


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