Cycling stuff.....some running too.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tuesday ride??? Huh?

Tuesday I had to stay home from work to take my kids to the doctor. All three have tonsilitis. They are miserable and my oldest went to school anyway because she didn't want to miss finals.

Sharon and I got up at the crack of dawn and went out on the tandem. We eaded out into a headwind, towards Polk City. Once in Polk City we headed north to Fussell Rd. Fussell Rd. is one of the best roads in the county, well paved, curvey, shaded, scenic but out of the way. And you have to ride 2 miles up a road that has a lots of trucks. We continued west until just before Haines City and then headed back through Lake Alfred and Auburndale. We got 74 miles. A real good ride for mid week. I won't be getting those kind of midweek miles until late spring when the time changes. Then I hope to ride into work 2 days a week. That's almost 40 miles each way so I be piling on the miles. Another 150-200 on the weekend and I'll be set.

A couple of teams have been talking with about being on their masters teams. Maybe I can work a package deal and get my wife on too. She could use some more cycling clothes.


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